www.gusucode.com > Modeling Pneumatic Robot Actuators 工具箱matlab源码程序 > Modeling Pneumatic Robot Actuators/MSRA_PneumaticRobotSeries/Libraries/MultipartsLib/Scripts_Data/Doc/Multibody_Parts_Library_Gear_Asy_Overview.m

    %% Simscape Multibody Parts Library: Gear Assemblies
% The gear constraint blocks require that other constraints in the
% mechanism correctly position and orient the frames associated with the
% gear constraint.  The library blocks group the required blocks together
% and parameterize them so that frames are always in the right place.
% There are many ways they can be combined, this library shows you one way
% to do it.
% Copyright 2017-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.

% <<Multibody_Parts_Library_Gear_Assembly_Overview_p1.png>>

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